Sunday, March 24, 2019

Addie Turns Five!

FIVE! Hard to believe that our sweet, little Addie could already be turning five, but here she was- every bit ready to take on her new age. I always get a little sad about my kids turning a year older, but honestly, when it happens- it's time. Addie has gotten so mature and responsible and smart and brave lately that it was time for this little lady to own five. And it was officially time for us to celebrate our love for her with a morning of birthday festivities! (Official gymnastics birthday party to come a few weeks later.)

First- the biggest pancake on the planet courtesy of Big Ed's...

And how cute are these two in their matching dresses? Love that they came up with the idea and not me...

We had a delicious breakfast then headed on to the show. It wouldn't be Christmas Eve without "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" right?

Obviously, we love this show, but honestly it never gets old (except for Brian of course!). Even Luke was into it this year. I promise you he sat still on my lap for the whole play even clapping at the end of scenes. He loved the music, the characters (maybe not so much the abominable snow monster), and the action. And I loved snuggling with him and watching his little face the whole time.

Back at home, Gigi and Pop Pop came over to join us for cake and presents. Because when it's your birthday, you can make cake your lunch!

After the raccoon fiasco the night before, I finally pulled myself together to finish Addie's Cake. Whole Foods made the actual cake, and I decorated it because this year her request was for a "Rudolph" cake and not a "Clarice". Last year her cake had eyelashes you know!



Luke took his time with his cake- Addie did not. Because she knew what was coming next, and how fun that her first present was Ms. Wuf!

And the next one was her very own scooter!


She had been borrowing her sister's scooter for a long time so it was a big deal to get her own.
 Sugar high!

Such a fun morning with our sweetheart of a girl who makes every day better. She makes us laugh, she makes sure we always wear our seatbelts, she sings "Hark the Herald" better than anyone I know, she loves her brother and sister something fierce, she has the prettiest ponytail in all the land, and we could not love her more. She always tells us- "Love you too much!" and we feel the exact same way. 

Poppy and Nana gave us a sweet reminder of how our Christmas baby made her wonderful appearance. Love this special poem they wrote for her and read to her on her birthday:

"Twas the night before Christmas when all were in bed,
When suddenly Mom was awakened by thoughts in her head.
Not sure what was happening but knowing all was right
She thought that Addie might just be coming this night
So up from the bed she arose and got dressed
Off to the hospital to find somewhere to rest
Both Mommy and Daddy were sure it was time
So they waited and waited till Addie did shine
And there she was so tiny and bright
With dark hair and eyes such a beautiful sight
Then Nana and Poppy rushed to her bed 
and what to their wondering eyes should appear
But a child so very precious and dear
And now she is five just so merry and bright
The best Christmas gift ever to all those in sight."

Truly! Happy fifth birthday, Addie! We cannot wait to see all the amazing thing you do in year five! 

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