Monday, July 23, 2018

First Grade Winds Down

And the countdown officially had begun! The end of school was in sight for this cute first-grader (always fancy!)…

Every day she and Reeves would run out of school to meet us (often times hand-in-hand)...

 and head straight to the playground to get out some energy.
Often times the Camps would join us...
and it became our new normal for after school. But not for too much longer...because Collins's days as a first grader were numbered!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Finishing Up T-Ball

Everyone was ready to cheer on Addie for her final t-ball game...even her sister who normally gets distracted during games was there (at least for her first at-bat)….:)

Her Daddy so wanted her to do well...and she did! Over the course of the season, Addie really learned how to make contact with the ball and run the bases fast.

Even Grey and Luke paid attention for a little while...I cannot even handle the cuteness.

Good game by the Cheetahs...

Now for the moment Addie had been waiting for all season (and why I think she agreed to play in the first place)...the trophy presentation!
Her first-ever trophy...

She was thrilled...a successful first t-ball experience for our girl!

Addie's Year-End Party

The time came for Addie's last day of school, and she was excited because it came in the form of a party at her friend Harrison's house. And Luke got to join in the fun. :)

Harrison's Dad went to Davidson so they are Wildcat fans too...

The kids painted flower pots...

and played outside...

and then Ms. Karen gave them something really "All About Me" book. Each child got a laminated book all about their school year in the 3's class- cute pictures of them throughout the year, special events they had, neat artwork they had made. I was amazed that she went to all that trouble to give them the perfect momento from their year together. She and Ms. Melody were wonderful teachers, and I'm so grateful Addie had them during such a challenging year.

I think the kids were as impressed as the parents!

After the gifts, it was time for popsicles....Luke's first ever!
He and Grey enjoyed and obviously asked for "more"!

Really cute party for a cute class. It was a hard year for Addie with changing preschools and moving houses, but yet she really enjoyed her friends and teachers this year. And I really enjoyed growing closer with the Moms. Feel grateful that we were placed in this class for our first year at Hayes Barton.

And now...on to summer break for Addie!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Addie and Luke

Over the course of the school year, Addie and Luke became really close. Because they spent so much time together and because Luke kept growing in his abilities, they naturally grew into close friends and playmates. And don't forget the fact that Addie is not only a sister, but his second Mom! She takes very good care of her little brother, making sure he is safe and responsible at all times. :)

It has been really special for me to watch this relationship deepen over time. It warms my heart every time Addie says, "Come on buddy" and helps him get down the stairs or helps him put on his shoes. It brings me joy every time Luke screams in delight "Addie!!!" when his sister walks into the room. 

Luke didn't get to spend as much time with Collins during the school year because she is just away more, but I am excited about the time they will get to spend together this summer. 

Siblings...what a wonderful thing to have!

Monday, July 16, 2018

A Soggy Saturday

One Saturday in May, it rained ALL day. We headed to the Got to Be NC festival...

where we got drenched...

So we cozied up later at home with a movie night...

and the first-ever sister slumber party! The girls were excited to sleep over with each other, but when bed time rolled around turns out their own cozy beds were the most desirable. So the slumber party was canceled in favor of good slumber. :)

The Royal Wedding

So apparently all Americans are obsessed with the Royals including my two daughters who were GLUED to the screen for the Royal wedding back in May.

The girls were up bright and early to catch the procession of royalty leading up to the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Addie didn't want to miss a moment running back from a bathroom break not even taking the time to put back on her pjs. :)

 It was pretty cool I have to admit. I remember watching Prince William and Kate get married in the middle of the night when Collins was a baby and enjoying that so much.
The men in our family did not understand what all the fuss was about...
but they did get excited when I made homemade waffles (wa-wa's as Luke now calls them) and a big breakfast for the occasion. Fun reason to lay around lazy on a Saturday morning!

Collins's Day Off

When Wake County teachers protested for more pay, Collins got an unexpected day off in the middle of the week. Addie still had school so I just had my biggest and smallest for a morning of fun. We were excited...especially when I took them to Rise to get things started!

Collins chose our next stop...the Art Museum. She appreciates this museum a little more than Addie so it was a good place to go without her sister. No jealousy there! :)

And it was special for Collins and Luke to get a little time alone together...

Luke was not well behaved in the art museum...he enjoyed commenting loudly on artwork, climbing on benches and hiding behind curtains...

but he is just so darn cute, I could only laugh. We did get some ugly looks from the museum guards so we left pretty quickly...

and went to get a Guasaca lunch to round out Collins's perfect morning of fun!