Monday, May 4, 2020

The Morning Rush

Once school started, I quickly learned that getting these two girls out the door each morning is no joke. 
Steps to out the door...
# 1 Pry Collins out of bed and convince her that it is not the weekend
# 2 Come up with some sort of interesting/tasty breakfast that will fuel them for learning and fill them up until lunch time 
# 3 Re-explain why they cannot eat Cheerios every single morning
# 4 Make breakfast
#5 Pick up breakfast off the floor once Luke drops it
#6 Pack lunch #1 and make sure that ham slider has honey mustard on it and no hummus in sight
#7 Pack lunch #2 with a PB and honey sandwich but go light on the honey and can you take the crust off? 
#8 Pack a snack for Addie and two cold waters and do you remember the time you forgot to pack me a water?
#9 Help pick out seasonably appropriate outfits that work for PE/art/picture day/school spirit day/etc.
#10 Get Addie's hair into the highest ponytail possible and no bumps please!
#11 Pack backpacks with lunches/homework folders/devices
#12 Uh oh, forgot to sign the papers so unload, sign and reload
#13 Try to remember where shoes were left the night before and make sure they match outfit 
#14 Remember a coat, umbrella, library book or whatever special item they were supposed to bring to bring to school that day
#15 Give them the biggest hug I can and remind them how much I love them
#16 Send them out the door with their Daddy who thankfully drives them to school
#17 Close the door and turn around to the biggest mess the kitchen has ever seen
#18 Try to explain to Luke why I cannot play with him that very minute
#19 Remember that I'm still in my pajamas
#20 Realize that the day will only get easier from here on out

If I had my act together, half of these steps would be done the night before. But I'm too tired every night, so instead I choose this crazy morning rush!

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