Monday, May 18, 2020

School Updates...and a First

All of my children like school! This is a first, I'm sad to say. But thank goodness it has finally happened!

Luke acclimated much more quickly to school this year, and I dare say is actually enjoying the 2's class? As you can see he is participating and has a smile on his face...well this is an exciting development, Luke! It is wonderful to drop him off and know he will be happy while I'm away.

Turns out that Addie is having an awesome year. She adores her teachers, and her class is well-behaved and very bonded. Plus it's helpful that Ms. Spink sends home lots of pictures so I know what they're learning and I can see how happy she looks. 

In the biggest surprise of the school year, Collins loves 3rd grade! I purposely didn't tell her how hard I heard third grade was going to be and how intense it was with all the testing. It has proven to be intense with all the testing, but she doesn't get too worked up about the tests. And she really enjoys the independence given in the third grade and the cool projects that they are being assigned (a lot of Google slide presentations). She is thriving so far with the work and has a new desk at home where she can do her homework. 

It's still early in the Fall semester, but so far all the school updates are good. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

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