Saturday, July 6, 2019

Mother's Day Weekend

Hooray it's the weekend! Dad and Heather were coming to town, and I somehow failed to realize that it was Mother's Day weekend AND graduation weekend which basically meant it was the busiest weekend of the year in Raleigh. So that made getting a dinner reservation basically impossible and traffic a nightmare. I'm pretty sure the grandparents were ready to high-tail it out of Raleigh on Saturday afternoon because there were lots of people EVERYWHERE! 

But we made the best of it with a trip to Gonza's, a visit to the newest outdoor exhibit at the Art Museum, and some yummy Lebanese food at Neomonde.

We decided to explore the museum park by scooter...

And Collins's dreams came true when she got to climb on the roof of a was actually a really cool exhibit.


It was a very fun visit with Dad and Heather! On Sunday, we avoided the influx of people by heading into the woods. My Mother's Day wish was to take a hike/boat ride with my family. I knew they couldn't say no on that day!

 The cutest...Luke's first ballcap.

Collins was very concerned for Luke's safety during this canoe trip. She was convinced he was going to jump ship at any moment. But we sandwiched him between the two of us, and he sat as still as a mouse. Brian and Addie took the other boat, and of course won the race across the lake. I can't compete with those big biceps!

We took a 3-mile hike through Umstead Forest, and the kids actually did great. There was minimal complaining and carrying and lots of exploring...

Of course they did have to fight over who got the best walking stick. :)

Great morning in the woods! Umstead is such a cool place to visit in Raleigh. The rest of the day was spent relaxing, watching the Canes play, and eating Cajun pasta. A wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!

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