Saturday, April 13, 2019

In Bloom

After a long and bare winter, it was extremely exciting to see the first signs of Spring shooting out of the ground in early March. It's been almost  a year since we've been in the house and last year when we moved in- Spring was already in full bloom. So it's been really cool for me to see the yard transition from winter to spring for the first time.

First, daffodills sprung up in the front these cheerful flowers. We only had three daffodils that would bloom in our old backyard. Now we have many to admire!

Then these reddish stalks started popping took me a few days to happily realize that these plants were the PEONIES! Whew! At the end of their glorious reign last year, I pruned them back and was worried I did something wrong. But here they come again, getting stronger and taller and greener every day. Cannot wait for peony season!

The camellia bush in the backyard was the first sign of color with tons of beautiful pink blooms...

And then I noticed the hydrangea bush beside it starting to revive I will have to say this was the one flower I was disappointed in last year. It never really fully bloomed. Hydrangeas are one  of my favorite flowers so hopefully it does better this June.

And then perhaps the most exciting plant discovery...these hosta plants! We transplanted bulbs from Baba's yard to our backyard last Fall, and I put them in the ground behind the deck with little hope we'd ever see anything from it. But lo and behold it worked!! Baba has a beautiful yard in Hickory, and it is very special for me to have something from her growing in our yard.

Perhaps the most puzzling growth in our yard is this parsley plant which seems to be on steroids all of a sudden...
I'm telling you- I am not a gardener, but I really want to learn to be one some day. Because there are not many things more satisfying and exciting than beautiful plants and flowers springing to life around you. I just pray I do not kill these beautiful things. I have my fingers crossed that Susan (former homeowner and plant expert) has these things on autopilot after all these years, and I am just along for the wonderful ride!

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