Friday, April 5, 2019

Birthday Bust

Good thing Collins's birthday party was fabulous because her actual birthday was not. Her breakfast birthday party was lots of fun, but little did we know that morning that things would go downhill from there. 

But first the good part...breakfast in bed! Our Collins is a girl who knows what she wants. She told us exactly how she wanted her birthday to start:

1) Breakfast in bed
2) Presents in bed
3) Orange rolls and sausage for breakfast
4) Picnic on the floor for everyone else
5) Streamers flying from her door

👀 Anything else, Collins?!?! So we made that all happen...


She got a cool lava lamp from Addie, a new Beenie Boo from Luke, and a canopy and a new bookbag from us!

So we sent our girl off to school excited to celebrate her birthday later that night at Amedeo's with a big sweet tea (her wish for her 8th birthday!)… 

While she was at school, Addie and I made her a brownie cake (her birthday cake request)…

But after we picked her up and it was time to get ready for dinner, I knew something was wrong. Instead of getting dressed, I found her laying in her bed. I felt her head, and she had a fever. She did not feel well, and it was obvious we were not going out to celebrate that night. We ended up getting Mami Nora's and eating in, but she didn't even feel like eating.

Turns out she had strep throat. :( The next day after the diagnosis and the medicine, she began to feel more like herself. She felt like building with her new LEGO kit and set up a play station in the dining room... 

But even the second night, she did not feel like eating her brownie cake. She still was not 100%. Addie was like, "You've got to be kidding me!" Poor Addie had to wait three days to finally get her brownie cake, and it was surprisingly still very good.

Here is our birthday girl FINALLY getting to blow out her candles...

On Friday, she felt better. So we put up her canopy and decided to move forward with Poppy and Nana and Alli coming to town to celebrate...

They were so sweet to make the trip. They brought a cool polaroid camera and makeup- her dream presents!

We went to Amedeo's, and our girl finally got her sweet tea...

The next day she was able to play in her basketball game, but she didn't have much energy the rest of the day. She rested a lot that Saturday and was ready on Sunday to celebrate one more time. Gigi and Pop Pop took her to Kanki for the first time. We thought she would think the cooking show would be cool...

and she did! But she did not love the food- how is this even possible??

We had a fun night even if the kids were not fans of Japanese food...then back to our house for one last set of gifts.

Oh, Collins. Your birthday did not turn out the way we planned. You got sick and could not enjoy your special day. But you recovered, and we drew out your celebration as long as possible! You are so loved by so many, and we hope you felt that as you turned eight.

You have turned into a beautiful, thoughtful, mature, fun, sweetheart of a girl. Every day you impress us with your unique thoughts and ways. You make every day more fun in our family, and you are adored by your sister and brother and parents.

Your eighth year is sure to be special! We cannot wait to see what you choose to do with the gifts God gave you. We love you so much, and are so proud of who you have become. Happy birthday, Collins!

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