Sunday, February 24, 2019

One Man's Trash...

Is another man's (or girl's!) treasure! 

Found this old jeep by the side of the road while running and decided we needed it in our backyard. The kids have never had a power wheels before, but I knew they would love it- IF it actually worked. 

I was right- they did love it...

but unfortunately, I was also right that it didn't actually work. After cruising around for a bit, the jeep soon slowed to a stop. We charged it, and it actually worked again! Addie was thrilled to tell her sister about their new car after school, but when Collins went to ride it, it was totally dead again.

After much inspection- I finally figured out a frayed wire was the problem. Then oops- I accidentally severed the wire completely while trying to fix it. Addie declared that I killed the jeep! 😬

So I had to make it up to them by pushing them all over the backyard in that heavy thing. Turns out that maybe one man's trash is actually another man's trash as well?!?!

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