Sunday, July 10, 2016

Big News!

Would you believe there is another Fork on the way?!? We found out the happy news back in April- ironically the morning after the Tar Heels' devastating loss in the National Championship game. So a day that should have been sad immediately became a joyful one thanks to a whim and one quick pregnancy test. It put a smile on our faces all day long and every day since. 

This is the first picture of our third baby...taken at 7 weeks at my first OB appointment. Not any bigger than a centimeter, but proof of an actual baby growing inside of me. We kept this exciting news to ourselves and started picturing life as a family of five. 

This ultrasound picture, taken four weeks later at 11 weeks, is amazing to me. It looks like a real baby! I couldn't believe how much bigger it was and how clearly you could see the body parts at this point in the pregnancy.

We had told our families about the baby a few weeks back, but decided to hold off telling the girls until I took a blood test to make sure everything looked okay with the baby. Because I am AMA (Advanced Maternal Age), I was eligible to take a DNA test to make sure their were no genetic abnormalities with the baby. As a bonus, the test would also reveal the sex of the baby!

So I took the test the Monday of the girls' last week of school and expected to get the results about two weeks later. So it was a bit of a surprise four days later when the test results landed in my email inbox. It was 9 a.m. that Friday, the day we were supposed to leave for the beach. As hard as it was to not look at the results immediately, I convinced Brian we should wait until we got to the beach later that night and find out together in a place that was special to us. 

But as the girls and I were getting ready to head out of town, I got a call from the doctor's office that really scared me. They said they wouldn't call unless there was a problem, and they called and left me a message asking me to call them back. Brian and I freaked out, but finally heard back from a nurse who was just checking to make sure I had seen the test results and to let me know that everything was okay with the baby. Whew! 

So when we all finally made it to the beach later that night, we did so happy with the knowledge that the baby was healthy. Now the only thing left to find out...girl or boy?!?

Of course, we were assuming it was a girl because my family makes lots of girls. So when we looked at each other, took a deep breath and pressed the button, "Find out the sex of your baby", we could not have been more shocked and excited to see the words...

It's a BOY!!! Brian immediately put his arms up in a victory formation and started laughing, and my mouth just hung open in shock. I could not believe it. I had been day dreaming all along about three little girls, and never gave real thought to the possibility of a boy. Of course, I had been feeling fatigued in a way I had never experienced before and had wondered if maybe a boy was the cause? I didn't remember feeling that way with the girls, but I had also never been pregnant while taking care of two small children. Regardless, when the news that we were having a little boy finally sank in, we were both THRILLED. What a special way to round out our family. 

Talk about a memorable way to start your beach we were ready to tell Collins and Addie they were getting a new baby brother! We just had to find the perfect time to share the big news...

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