Friday, August 28, 2020

Luke Turns Three! (And Trains, Trains, and More Trains)

Our sweet little boy woke up on Saturday, December 7th, as a new three-year-old! He was excited to get his birthday started, and these cute little jammies tell you all you need to know about our day ahead. It was going to be all about TRAINS!

We decided that instead of having a big birthday party this year, it might be neat to focus Luke's birthday on one of his favorite things- trains- and to keep things simple. I had heard good things about the New Hope Railway Train, and turned out they operated a Santa Train on Luke's actual birthday. Perfect! Dad and Heather decided to come up and go with us, and then later that day we would have a family birthday party with a homemade train cake and then unveil a special birthday gift. Wait for it....and shh, don't tell Luke! It's a secret. :)

Luke's special day started with him getting to open the Advent calendar (pretty generous of his sisters as they are very aggressive in wanting to do this job each morning) and some orange rolls where he got to blow out his first candle...

Poppy and Nana arrived, and we hit the road for New Hope which was about an hour away. We had to bundle up because it was cold outside which made things feel more festive. We had never been here before, and it was neat. They had model trains, train cars that you could tour, and an open air coal train that took you on a long ride.

Here we go!

The train wound through the woods and had a little scavenger hunt that you could play along the way.

Luke was amazed when the train got to the end of the track and had to go back in the other direction which meant the engine had to move spots from back to front. It was an exciting process to watch!

Santa visited, and that was the most disappointing part of the ride because who has ever heard of a skinny Santa? The kids were not buying it!

But he gave them a candy cane, and that's really all that matters isn't it? We departed the train a happy bunch, toured a few train cars and then were on our way! It was a neat birthday morning.

Then we headed to the PR for burgers...

and then home because a cute little baby was headed our way.

We were all so happy to see Sawyer and his Mommy...

While Luke napped, we got the house birthday party ready and worked on the cake...

Poor Alli...she always saves me with the cakes but this time I did not give her enough time to decorate the train or piping bags to decorate with...😩. But of course, it turned out adorable and Luke LOVED it!

He blew out three candles, and then we all enjoyed some cake and ice cream. I told you I kept things simple this time! Brian could not believe I pulled it off.

Then time for presents! I started with this cute keepsake ornament- something so we would remember his 3rd birthday. But of course, this was not exciting at all to him so we moved right along. :)

Because a train set that goes around your Christmas tree is WAY cooler! Luke didn't even know this was a thing so he was thrilled with his gift from Poppy and Nana.

Next came his very own tool bench from Gigi and Pop!

Then sisters gave him their present which was part of his bigger gift...

Magnetic trains!

Time for the big reveal, and Luke wanted to know why that paper was on the windows??

Here's why Luke! Brian captured the most adorable moment of the playroom doors opening and him seeing what was inside. He ran to the table with his eyes popping out- it was such a fun reaction to seeing his new train table.

I really hope he loves playing trains for years to come.

We had such a fun little birthday party, and I was so grateful that everyone could come shower Luke with some love. After everyone left, I opened the present that Missy had brought over earlier. Can you believe how perfect her choice was? She found this beautiful vintage train ornament in Florida.

We set up the new Christmas train, and then ordered a pizza and watched the ACC Championship game. Perfect ending to our easy and fun day. I'm pretty sure I'm now over stressing and planning big birthday parties. Luke felt so much love and joy all day- why make it more complicated with all the other stuff? 

Our boy was on a train high the rest of the night...

with the grand finale being turned into a train engineer! Alli's present was adorable.

Luke you are officially no longer our baby, but you are very much our sweet, smart, funny, energetic, beautiful and loving three-year-old. Every day of your life you have made your family smile and laugh. Every day of your life your sisters have hugged you tight and said how much they adore you. You make us all so happy, and we are excited for this year ahead for you. Three is a big deal! This year you will learn to use the potty, sleep in a big-boy bed, start to learn your alphabet and how to write your name, and so much more. We can't wait to watch how you will grow in every way. Just know that as you grow each day so does our love for you. Happy birthday sweet boy!

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