Saturday, August 22, 2020

Llama Llama, Red Pajama

 No, we didn't read the book. Yes, we did go see some llamas! 

Aren't they funny looking? Heather has a friend in furniture who owns a llama farm, and she thought the kids might get a kick out of going to see them. So we headed up towards Lenoir to check out these furry friends. 

Luke kept his distance from these guys, and Sawyer much preferred snoozing in the car.

But the girls gave them a shot...Nana was the bravest and went first.

Oh, and did you know that llamas spit?!? It was pretty gross, but Nana was a good sport, and we got a good laugh out of it.

Okay, I'll admit furniture shopping and pizza are much more our speed than farming so off we went to more comfortable things...

Sawyer was so good on his big trip to Hickory...

He even participated in movie night...

We love taking night walks around 6th's such a charming and well-decorated neighborhood in Hickory.

Apparently, last year when we came to Hickory for Thanksgiving, the kids wondered when Poppy and Nana were decorating for Christmas? Well, they remembered that and took that as a directive to get things decorated faster this year! They didn't need to do that, but their house did look beautiful.

It was a fun day with the llamas and the gang!

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