Friday, May 26, 2017

One Step Backwards

Addie loved swimming until she took swim lessons. Since Collins is really into swimming right now, Brian had been taking both of the girls to the indoor pool regularly on the weekends and Addie was loving it too. So she was really excited when I signed her up for swim lessons...until she met Ms. Susan (a.k.a. "the dunker").

Ms. Susan asked Addie if she wanted to go "above or below" and not really understanding what she was asking, Addie answered, "below". So Ms. Susan dunked her, and scared Addie to death. She came up screaming and screamed pretty much every class after that. It was horrible watching her be scared after knowing how comfortable she had been in the water.

Thankfully, Ms. Susan could only teach half the classes so Ms. Tricia took over below. I explained the traumatic situation to her, and she did a great job of helping bring back some confidence to Addie in the water. During her final lesson, she actually had a smile on her face and would dip her face into the water. Baby steps...

I'm guessing we will lay off swim lessons for awhile, but as summer approaches and our new pool membership is available, I'm not happy about taking one step backwards in the pool! 

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