Friday, May 19, 2017

Making it Work

Juggling our schedule as a family of five makes my head hurt. Doctor's appointments, playdates, work dinners, after-school activities, birthday parties, school all really challenges my multi-tasking skills, and they are still little! I know it will only get worse.

A few weekends ago on Sunday morning, we all were invited to a birthday party at the park for a family friend. At that same time, we were scheduled to have several raccoons that were decaying in our chimney (long gruesome story- don't ask) to be removed, Luke was supposed to nap, and I was supposed to teach Sunday School. See what I mean? The solution? We all went to the party for a bit and then we split up. Brian and the girls headed home to meet the chimney guy, and because I was Luke's only chance for a nap (in the Ergo), he went with me to Sunday School.

I'm not sure it was appropriate to take my baby to church with me, but I didn't really have another choice. I just had to make it work, and it did! Luke slept through the whole lesson waking up at the end at the perfect time. Our lesson that day was on "Feed my Sheep", and I told the kids that Luke just happened to be wearing a sheep onesie that day. Little Zoe begged, "show us his sheep costume!". So I brought him out for the kids to see him, and they swarmed. "Can he walk yet?", "Can he talk yet?", "Luke is a book in the Bible!", "What can he do?", "I can put my toes in my mouth, too!". It was hysterical.

The kindergartners were fascinated by Luke, and Luke was fascinated by the six-year-olds. Luke became part of the lesson, and it all worked out just fine. A good lesson in just making it work!

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