Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kindergarten Update

I feel like our little kindergartner is about ready to graduate to first grade. Does she not look like she's about 13 in this picture? She's outgrown all of her pants, insists on wearing booties instead of running shoes, can write sentences, and is way more mature than I can handle right now.

After a difficult start to kindergarten, I'm pleased to say that things have finally smoothed out and that Collins now enjoys her days at Lacy Elementary. Whew! That had me worried for awhile. She really likes her class and has a new-found confidence about all these skills she has accrued.

For example...her reading is really coming along. She recognizes so many words now which means she enjoys our nightly reading sessions more because it is easier for her.

She has learned how to write sentences to go along with a picture that she draws. This one made me laugh because she honestly admits she likes home better than school because at home she can watch TV with her sister.... :)

Her favorite thing to do is to draw the pictures...

I thought her writing on this Dr. Seuss assignment was really good. She has been practicing a lot at home. She'll take a notebook in the car with her and write away in the backseat as we head somewhere.

This is awesome...When I am a hundred years old, I will "have white hair and I will have 11 grandchildren and a can." Not sure what the can part means, but loved what she wrote and that she is going to be really fancy with red lipstick and earrings when she is old! 

Art is her favorite "special" these days...thought this was a really cool piece that she created.

And she can do some pretty impressive things on the playground right now including spinning at dizzying speeds. She and Reeves mastered the monkey bars a long time ago so now they are moving on to tricks above the monkey bars...

In a few weeks, these soon-to-be first graders are going to be singing to the incoming class of kindergartners. Hard to believe the year is almost over and even harder to believe all she has learned. They sure do cram a lot of skills into their first year now, but with that comes a real sense of accomplishment. I'm really proud of Collins and how much she has grown since September.

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