Saturday, March 4, 2017

Baba Meets Luke

Special stuff. When your Grandmother meets your son for the first time and he happens to not only be the first great-grandson, but the first boy born into the family...ever!

You see on my Mom's side of the family, we are all girls:
Baba had two girls...
Mom and her sister Kristy each had two girls...
Then my cousin Lacy had a daughter...
Then my two girls came...see what I mean?!?

So I don't think anyone (including Brian Fork) expected us to ever have a little boy, but sweet Luke decided to switch things up. So I was really excited for Baba to meet him!

And of course, she was excited to see these girlies too. It had been a long time!

Luke was mesmerized by Baba's voice. He literally sat in his frog chair and listened to her talk for 45 minutes happy as a lark. Trust me- that never happens! She was like that with the girls when they were babies too...I think she may be the baby whisperer. :)

I'm embarrassed to show that my 83-year-old Grandmother was raking leaves in my's both ridiculous and amazing that she was doing this. I told her to stop, but she insisted on raking them in a pile so Addie could do this...

As Mom and Baba were packing up their things getting ready to head back to Hickory, my poor confused baby changed into this outfit. It was appropriate because it was actually the day of the State/Carolina game. So we laughed while Addie sang the State fight song while wearing the Tar Heel uniform and using the State pom poms. We might never know where her real allegiances lie!

I loved watching a quick bond form between Baba and Luke...

and it made me really happy when Baba said, "You know, I've never really thought anything about little boys before, never paid them much attention because we always had girls...but this little boy- he changes everything." So very true, Baba.

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