Saturday, January 28, 2017

Addie Turns Three!

Addie finally made it official- she turned three! In my eyes, she had been acting like a three-year-old for awhile. She's physically gotten taller and heavier and outgrown that toddler body, she can sit still for long periods of time now to listen to books or watch a show with her sister, she can completely dress herself, and she can comprehend and conversate with the best of them. Addie has really grown up a lot in this last year, so it was nice to recognize that with a birthday!

In light of little Luke's arrival and the tricky timing of her birthday (Christmas Eve), we decided to not do an official party this year. Instead, we got tickets to see "Rudolph" the play on her birthday to be followed up with a family pizza party and cake. Addie was happy with that plan!

The girls loved the big "3" balloon I got to decorate with, and Collins immediately requested a "6" for her birthday coming up.

December 24th...Addie's birthday and Christmas Eve AND sadly the last day of the Advent calendar. The girls didn't really understand why it couldn't keep going on and on. :)

My morning began bright and early with some baking, some baby screaming, and lots of anxiety. Brian had taken the girls out to breakfast, and I was going to stay home with Luke and bake Addie's birthday cake. Sounds easy enough, right?

Wrong! Luke screamed his head off, the cake imploded, and I was in tears. I was a basket case by the time they got back. I mean LOOK AT THE CAKE!! Complete and utter disaster. Luckily, they talked me down off the cliff. Collins was sweet and said, "It's okay, Mom. We'll just call it a volcano cake!" :) So that is what we did and headed off to the play.

Addie had some anxiety about the Abominable snowman prior to getting to the theatre...

so it threw her to see one in the lobby as well as one on the stage. But she faced those fears, and after the show declared she was not afraid of the TWO bumbles!

This was Addie's first time seeing a play so I wasn't sure how she would do. Turns out, the colorful and fast-paced musical completely captured her attention for the full hour and a half. She loved it! The pink elves were her favorite.

We raced home to Luke (that was the other part of my anxiety that day- being away from him for such an extended period of time). But Donna said he did great and slept most of the time...what a relief! On to the pizza party!

Addie got a ton of fabulous birthday presents including a new ballerina outfit, some cool booties, a Princess Addie character for her dollhouse, a necklace from Collins, and some new Elsa heels! She was in heaven!

On the way home from the play, I made Brian stop at Whole Foods so I could buy Addie a decent birthday cake. Turns out she did not want it, she wanted the volcano cake. Which turned out to taste really good thank goodness!

Addie's birthday celebration was a bit chaotic (just as our life is these days), but the birthday girl had a huge smile on her face the whole time. She loved it! And we loved getting to celebrate our funny, sweet, joy-filled little girl who brings so much happiness to our family every single day. We couldn't love you more, Addie. Happy third birthday!

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