Thursday, November 3, 2016

Soccer in Chapel Hill

Soccer in Chapel Hill...those are words I never expected to be used when talking about the Fork family. When we talked about going, Brian said, "You actually want me to spend a football Saturday in Chapel Hill watching a SOCCER GAME?!?" But believe it or not, he actually went for it. Let me explain why this was happening...

Collins has been taking a soccer class on Saturday mornings for a couple of months now. A bunch of friends were doing it, and we thought it would be good for her to get that "team" experience. Plus, it was something that she and Brian could go to together since I am normally the one who gets to go to all the activities.

Steve, the soccer coach, used to play soccer at Carolina so he set up for the kids to do a "walk out" at the men's soccer game. "Breakout soccer" (our team's name) got to be introduced over the loud speaker when they introduced the players, and the kids got to walk out with a member of the team. We asked Collins if she liked it, and she said "No, it was scary!" He was so tall, and it was really cold outside!

But she did have fun running around on the practice field before the game, chasing Reeves through the stands after introductions, and cheering AGAINST the Tar Heels once the game started. I give up!

I had fun being in Chapel Hill on a gorgeous Fall night, and Brian had fun leaving Chapel Hill and soccer behind.

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