Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spring Break Buzz Kill

Don't let this cute, happy picture of the girls fool you. It was not a cute, happy week. It was the Spring Break from Hell! I'll let the girls summarize...

Collins- "When you get the throw ups out, it's good because you can have popsicles and jello!"

Addie- "I love the Paw Patrol!"

In this moment, things were somewhat under control. Collins had started feeling bad the night before (Easter) but slept really great and woke up feeling better. When I called the doctor to check on her symptoms, they advised to bring her in because they thought it could be strep. It was. But thanks to a prescription, this problem was solved pretty fast (except for that whole taking medicine twice a day for 10 days that Collins had no interest in doing). 

So I thought things were under control. Until we put Addie to bed and thirty minutes later she started throwing up. Poor thing kept getting sick throughout the night, and it scared her so much. And oh the mess it caused....it was a bad night. I thought Addie might have caught strep from Collins, but the doctor confirmed it was a stomach bug. 

She was fine the whole next day, and I thought we were in the clear and then she got sick again. We sent Collins off to spend the night with Donna and Marty in hopes she wouldn't catch Addie's bug. Addie was so pitiful, falling asleep on me at 6 p.m. that night. The next morning, she was weak and shaky because she hadn't eaten. We got worried she was dehydrated and made an appointment to take her in to see the doctor. 

We were getting ready to leave for the doctor's office and that's when Collins threw up....sigh. Cut to her throwing up every 45 minutes for the next six hours. It was horrible. Then the doctors got concerned that she was dehydrated so I took her and Addie in. They pumped Collins full of fluids to see if she could hold them down, She could not. I was really worried they were going to send us to the ER for fluids, but she finally passed the test (she peed) so we got to go home. They also gave her a powerful anti-nausea medicine that helped settle her stomach down.

Sorry for all the gory details, but the whole thing was pretty traumatic. Brian got sick too, but never as bad as the girls. Thank goodness, this is the where the story gets better. They both started acting more like themselves- eating solid food, wanting to play outside, and smiling...whew!

At this point, they were feeling better but were still technically contagious so we were quarantined. So we played outside...

and planted some flowers. 

I was so bummed we were sidelined by sickness over Spring Break. It was gorgeous outside, and I had had so many fun plans for us. All Collins wanted to do over Spring Break was go to Three Bear Acres in Creedmoor. She asked to go every day, and every day I had to turn her down. Finally, on Thursday, I had to say yes. So even though we were all a still a little shaky, we headed towards the outdoor wilderness park for some fun. They deserved some! Donna was sweet to accompany us to help.

The girls loved it! I could not believe all the energy they found for our outing. They jumped, climbed and slid their hearts out. 



With one day left of Spring Break, I decided to squeeze it all in. Make it the ultimate fun day for the girls and try to salvage what was left of our time together. We visited the science museum, ate burgers for lunch, and went swimming at the Buffalo Road Aquatic Center. They were happy. :)

I jinxed us because I was just bragging that the girls hadn't been sick all winter. Guess we just condensed all our sickness into one little sad Spring Break. Addie's dolls now get the "throw ups" and Collins is now hooked on "Paw Patrol", but other than that we have no battle scars. And even better, we still have a few popsicles left in the freezer. :)

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