Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Trolley Pub

You have got to try this.

It's hard to tell in this picture, but this is a portable bar (a Trolley Pub) that transports 14 lucky people bar hopping around downtown Raleigh. You saddle up to the bar, crack open a beer, and then strangely enough- start pedaling- pushing the trolley towards your first destination. You hang out at a bar, then hop back on the trolley to head to the next place, and then just see where the night takes you!

We got to try this on Saturday night, and it was a hoot. It's only been in Raleigh three weeks, and you could tell. As our trolley pub weaved its way through downtown, people on the streets and in the restaurants were equally confused and amazed by what they were seeing. People were taking pictures and video of us and asking how they could get in on this.

You rent the trolley pub by the hour, and it would be perfect for a birthday party or bachelor party. I would highly recommend giving it a try!!home|mainPage

1 comment:

  1. Trolley pub is looking an impressive thing. Drink a wine while journey on trolley is truly a new experience.

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