Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Interests

All of a sudden, Collins has a new-found love for several items I would have expected her to like many months ago. Go figure!

1) Stuffed animals- it's like she's seeing them for the first time. She gives them hugs and even invited a pink bear to join her in her crib last night.

2) Bows- it's been a love/hate relationship with bows for a long time now. She pulls them out of her hair during the day, but then insists on wearing one or two bows at night after we put on her pajamas.

3) Push-toys- she got all these great toys to help encourage walking and had no interest in them when she was learning to walk. Now they are super fun.

4) Reading- we are really excited about this one. We have always worried that Collins didn't enjoy reading books, but lately, she is all about backing up into your lap for story time. A lot of mornings, the first thing she asks for is to read books. Now I didn't say she sits still for a whole book at a time- we like to speed read through lots of different books. But we'll take whatever we can get at this point!

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