Saturday, August 31, 2019

End of 2nd Grade Slumber Party

We survived the End of 2nd grade slumber party...but barely! 

When Collins came up with the idea to celebrate the end of the school year with her best friends Reeves and Alice, I thought long and hard about it. It had been a very busy week, she wanted to have her friends over Friday night, we had to get up early to decorate for VBS on Saturday, followed by Father's Day and more decorating on Sunday, and then a whole week of VBS to follow. Was this really a good idea? Probably not, but of course I agreed. 

The festivities started with cannonballs onto the extra mattress, dressing like witches and trick-or-treating down Marblehead (I kid you not!), and Addie and I chasing after them with Luke following in the jeep. And this is the scene that Brian stumbled upon when coming home from work! 

Next, they bragged that they loved to eat, sure. 😂


 Then they literally scaled the roof....obviously things were getting out of hand!

So we brought them back down to earth with the promise of smores...

and fire. And then challenged them to sing the national anthem!

  They could sort of do it- we need to do some practicing ladies.

Darkness fell, Reeves went home early, Collins crashed onto the couch for a movie, and Alice, Brian and I sat outside talking around the fire pit. Am I describing the strangest sleep over ever? Pretty sure I am. But Collins did not stop laughing the whole night, and I know it was exactly how she wanted to celebrate the end of second grade. But man...trying to keep up with those 8-year-old girls was not easy or without stress. Here's hoping that this wild slumber party does not set a tone for our summer ahead! Because I'm pretty sure I could not handle it.

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