Saturday, August 31, 2019

Diving Right In

No rest for the weary! Swim team season started the same day that school ended. So upon picking Collins up from Lacy, we had to high tail it across town for the first away swim meet. Traffic was horrible, Collins was anxious, and stresses were high. 

After a frenzied arrival, we got our girl all suited up and ready for her first race...the medley relay. And would you believe that this very first race turned out to be her most exciting of the whole season?!?

Collins was swimming the last leg of the relay. The first girl on her team got beat right out of the gate so the Dolphins were behind on leg two. Leg two (the breast stroke) was Anna who is really good at that stroke. She caught Northbrook up! So for leg three (the butterfly), Northbrook and Brier Creek were neck and neck. So then it was Collins's turn on the freestyle.

She dove in the water a second or two behind the Brier Creek swimmer and don't you know she swam right past her in a decisive first victory for the 7-8 girls!!!! It was thrilling to watch! I had no expectations going in on how she would swim, but to have that kind of exciting finish was SO NEAT. The whole pool was cheering her on, and she came out of the water somewhat confused and not understanding what happened. So I explained to her excitedly. :) What a way to start the swim season!

In a first, Miss Addie was allowed to come and stay the WHOLE meet. So someone got into bed very late, but we thought it would be beneficial for her to see how a swim meet was run. She was impressed, but tired and ready to go home at 9:30 p.m. Me too, Addie!

This first swim meet turned out to be the most pleasant one of the season. The weather was perfect- not hot at all with a soft breeze- and it ended much faster than most do. The Dolphins did not win, but Collins and her 7-8 girls did really well. That medley relay really set the tone for the evening. One swim meet down, five to go! 😆

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