Saturday, August 12, 2017

First Summer Vacation!

It felt like it had been a long time since we were down at Wrightsville Beach so there was a lot of excitement built up to this first summer vacation. As soon as Collins finished with VBS, it was time to hit the road!

But unfortunately, this road trip was not a quick or easy process. Door-to-door the trip should be 1 hour 45 minutes. It took us three plus hours after three traffic jams, stopping off an exit ramp to feed Luke, and one blowout diaper situation...sigh. Not fun. But the moment we stepped out of that car, felt that sea breeze, and headed to the beach, we were all smiles. Especially these three!

The most important thing that happened on this beach trip is that...the cousins from Colorado came!!! The girls were really excited to hang out with Wyatt (10) and Chase (8). Collins was only three the last time they came to North Carolina, and she didn't really remember them. And the Williams' crew had never met Addie or Luke so we were looking forward to hanging out. Corey, Greg, the boys, and Connie and Charlie all made the trip and had rented a house across from ours on the sound.

The girls were so shy around the boys until this boat ride, and then after this time together it was  constant giggles at their antics and conversation. By the end of the trip, they were fast friends!

Aunt Connie knows boys and was more than happy to hold this one...

Brian playing lacrosse?!? Never thought I'd see this happening. He and Greg hit the ball around.

Tacos in a bag?!? We learned so much from our Colorado family!

The week started off bad because Luke got sick for the first time...we first noticed it Saturday morning when he woke up really hot. Well, his temperature continued to rise until it hit 103 degrees which completely freaked me out. I HATE when my kids get fevers, and to see my small baby so lethargic and hot was really terrible. I ended up taking him to a Wilmington pediatric urgent care just to make sure it wasn't something other than a virus. It wasn't, and his fever finally broke on Tuesday. What a relief! But I still felt like we had a shortened vacation because Luke felt so bad for so many days. Once he was back to normal, I felt like I could finally relax and enjoy the vacation.

We crammed as much fun as we could the next few days...including lots of beach time.

Love Addie's thumbs up...she learned to love riding waves with us on this trip. It was a great feeling to have her little arms wrapped around my neck tightly as we jumped over waves together and laughed. She did the same with Brian.

We bought a boat! Reminded me of the one Alli and I had so much fun in when we were little...

Brian dug lots of holes as always...

Addie brightened up one cloudy day...

And we managed to get a family photo!

Then there was the dock side...

where Addie caught her first fish...

where Charlie became a fish...

and where we would go for dips in Lollipop Cove.

We had so much fun renting a boat for a day last year that we had to do it again this year...and it was just as awesome.

We "docked" on Lee Island, Rhett's Bluff, and Masonboro...and decided that private, uninhabited islands are the ones for me! I don't really need to see other people when I beach it.

These two were inseparable on that boating adventure...both staying on it the full eight hours that we had it.

Lunch at Dockside...

More exploring...

and finally heading back to the marina. Days like that just make you want to own a boat!

Back at the house there was lots of silliness...

and some more serious homework time. Not a bad spot to do your required reading!

We attempted to go out to dinner once...I say attempted because Luke and I did not make it past the beverage portion of the meal before he lost it and we had to head back. But Collins and Addie got to eat seafood with their cousins which made them happy...

and remembering these guys at this exact same spot at the Boathouse three years ago made me happy. Wow- what growth!

The back of the Williams's house provided some amazing sunset views...

and then like that, it was time to return home. The week flew by! But lucky for the girls, the cousins were staying in Raleigh for a few more days. So no goodbyes quite yet!

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