Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fun in Davidson

We were so excited to spend a day in Davidson recently and hang out with the Slossons and take in a 'Cats game. The day started with a tailgate party...and ended with a slumber party. I'd say that makes for a pretty good day.

Here are Libby and Collins as festive tailgaters...

Here's Addie participating in "Tailgate on the Turf"- Brian's brainchild to have a special donor tent in the end zone to watch the game up close and personal. It was so cool! I am not going to mention the final score of the game, but will say it was a heartbreaker. Brian puts so much work into the Davidson Gridiron Club, and I hate he had to see them lose like that.

Of course, a three-hour football game cannot hold a 2 and a 5-year-old's attention so we had to find other things to do like swinging...

and making a big mess with ice cream.

Our girls had such a good time playing together that day...

They were bad witches who cast spells on the parents watching the exciting Carolina game...

then wild girls who didn't want to go to bed.

Good thing Jen and I let the Dads take over so we could go out for fine dining! Eating at Kindred under the lights on a cool Fall night was pretty spectacular.

Nobody slept good that night, so thank goodness Brian and Jack inadvertently went and got three dozen doughnuts the next morning so we could coast into the day on a sugar high. We had a great time hanging out with the Slossons!

I had the idea to stop in Asheboro on the way home to show the girls the zoo because Collins didn't remember going years ago and Addie had never been.

We were all pretty fascinated by the polar bears...

and the snuggling gorillas...

and the impressive elephants.

But more than anything, we were all just really tired and hot. Perhaps not the best day to spend four hours walking all over North America and Africa looking at animals. At one point, I looked over at Addie and saw that she was sleeping and bleeding (ran and fell and scraped her knees) at the same time. I knew it was time to wrap things up!

Collins was most excited about seeing the giraffes, but they did not come out to play. Note to self...maybe next time schedule a zoo visit when we are well rested and it's cooler!

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