Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Secret Spot

I cannot count the number of times we have played at Banbury Park. We have logged countless hours on the swings, slides, sandbox, bridges, and creek. We've been going since Collins was at least two (sometimes on a daily basis), and know that park like the back of our hand.

Or so we thought.  

We were there one afternoon recently when lo and behold, we found a new spot. How is this even possible? Collins, Tyler, Reeves, and Addie found an opening in the woods next to the soccer field that led down a rocky path to the creek. It was a bit steep, but worth it once we got to the bottom. It was an open area in the creek with wide smooth rocks, a little waterfall, and little sandy spots perfect for throwing rocks in the water. It was a beautiful stretch of the creek that we had never seen before. 

Now every time we go to Banbury, Collins asks to go to the "secret spot". She tells her friends about the spot, and of course, they drag their Moms down the rocky path to the water. The secret spot is not so secret anymore. But it was a special surprise hidden within our favorite park!

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