Sunday, May 1, 2016

Addie Obsessions

Currently, Addie is obsessed with several things and talks about them non-stop. If you are around her, there is a good chance you will get an earful on:

1) Bathing suits and flip-flop-es (her name for these really special shoes)...she wants to wear both items all day every day. 

2) Gymnastics...unfortunately for Addie, this class happens only once a week. She wishes it was more like every day.

3) Her bike and her new bike helmet...Addie has been gifted with Collins's old pink bike, and she is thrilled. Throw a new Minnie helmet on top of it, and it's about more than she can handle. Case in point, she refused to take it off during a recent lunch out.

4) Driving in the car...whenever we get home in the car, Addie refuses to get out with us begging me to let her "play in the car". She moves the mirrors, phone chargers, CD's around, and pushes every button that she can so that everything is flashing/beeping/out of place for the next time we drive somewhere.

5) Birthday she is attending Rosie's 5th party. She now talks about her birthday all the time asking for a bounce house and cake, and is today her birthday? Every day....:)

6) Playing opposites...Addie really likes to do the exact opposite of what she says she wants to do just to be really confusing. For example, she refuses to put on her sweater and then gets mad at you when you don't actually put it on her. Mind games!

7) Her favorite saying..."It just happens". If you ask Addie any question beginning with a "why" she will shrug her little shoulders and innocently say, "it just happens". It's a good excuse for everything, and really darn cute.

8) And last but not least...singing! As soon as she wakes up every morning, I hear her singing songs in her crib over the monitor. This morning, it was "Jesus Loves Me" but she has a lot of songs in her repertoire including "Let it Go", "The Wise Men Built His House Upon the Rock", and "Happy Birthday". She sings throughout the day, and it is precious.

Addie talks non-stop these day, and has some pretty strong opinions to share. I dare you to ask her about one of her obsessions the next time you see her. :)

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