Monday, May 30, 2016

The Making of a Bike Rider

The cute and tiny pink bike sat unused for a long time after Collins decided it was time for the training wheels to come off. Because when she tried to ride it like that, it wasn't so easy. So that's when the cute and tiny bike took a back seat to the cute and tiny pink scooter. She rode that for a long time and wasn't anxious to get back on the bike until recently. We asked her if she wanted to try again and she said she was ready to give it another go. I'm so glad she did. Because now she is an official bike rider! Here's how it all happened...

1. Bike obsession begins...Gigi landed a free bike from one of our neighbors which turned out to be the perfect size for Collins (turns out she had outgrown the old pink bike). Add in a new princess helmet and a brand new bell, and she was in business. She couldn't actually ride it yet, but she certainly looked the part! Addie became obsessed with bike riding too (even though her feet could barely even touch the pedals).  We heard a lot about bike riding that week; they were officially hooked...

2. Practice at Lacy...we practiced at Lacy but no luck yet. She was still scared to fall and was not sure how to take the rounded corners of the track. Brian held onto her most of the time, but would let go occasionally to show her she could do it. 

3. A Mother's Day surprise...Brian figured out that the House Creek Greenway trail would be a good place to practice because it's straight and flat. He was right. She did really well there, and decided to come back the next day (Mother's Day) and show me she could do it for real as my Mother's Day surprise. So sweet. :)

So we went that Sunday afternoon, and don't you know she did it! She rode her bike by herself! It is really a thrilling moment to see your child accomplish a milestone like that. We were so proud of her, and she was pretty proud of herself. She took several short rides on the greenway, and then we decided it was time to celebrate with ice cream. 

4) Sealing the deal at Lacy...this was so cool. Brian and Collins had gone to Lacy to practice, and Addie and I were going to walk up to meet them after Addie got up from her nap. We had walked up there in the BOB and were just hitting the top of the hill where we could see the edge of the Lacy track. I looked up and what did I see? This! Collins riding her bike determinedly around the track by herself with Brian monitoring her from the center field. It was amazing and brought tears to my eyes! This was the moment when she officially took off and became a real bike rider.

A really happy moment...

And then she was off! She started doing laps and hasn't turned  back since...

 5) Next level...she and Brian took their bikes to the Lassiter Mill Greenway to ride, and she was able to ride the whole 3 miles! She stopped some, but was able to successfully pass other bike riders, dogs and bridges and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Addie and I tried to keep up with her in the BOB, but had a hard time going that fast! Really cool to see her and Brian bike together.

We are so proud of her! I know all kids reach this milestone eventually, but it's really fun to watch it all come together and see their excitement when it finally happens. I love that she is now a bike rider!

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