Monday, February 11, 2013

Celebrating TWO!!!

We had a big birthday bash this weekend to celebrate our little girl turning two. It was a special day filled with happy moments, lots of adorable toddlers, and all kinds of love for the birthday girl. After all, she is a Valentine's baby...

Between a visit from all the grandparents, some cool birthday presents, having all her friends over at one time, and being encouraged to eat cupcakes- Saturday was no doubt Collins's best day EVER. Here is the happy girl in her new tent...

Nana was the first guest invited inside. By the end of the party, I think everyone had taken a tour!

Collins got a pleasant surprise upon waking up from her nap- the arrival of Mimi and Baba!

Then another cool present was revealed (her Dad thought it was important to work on her jump shot this Spring)...

She had been talking about her birthday outfit for weeks so she was pretty excited to finally put on the heart dress for her Valentines-themed party..

 Brian smoked some tasty ribs and turkey breast for the party...

and Alli and I took on the project of making LOTS of cupcakes.

And then everybody began arriving!

We were beyond lucky to get a gorgeous day in February so we could play outside...

Inside we kept the kids busy by decorating sugar cookies (it was a little scary to let them loose with cookies, red icing and sprinkles). Staley and Collins were a cute pair...

Wardrobe malfunction!

Some crafters hard at work on Valentines...


What a fun day- thanks to everybody for celebrating this big milestone with us!

Apparently the party activities worked up an appetite in the baby because she took out a couple of ribs after everyone left...

Happy second birthday sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the dress in the underwear. Super cute. Thanks for inviting us!
