Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 Months!!!

Collins turned 6 months on Saturday. To me, this was a big milestone- has our little girl really been with us half a year now?!? Time has gone by quickly (sometimes too fast), and she has changed so much since February. The first three months were really hard (not knowing what we were doing, breastfeeding challenges, zero sleep, growth issues), but around four months things magically got easier and much more fun. And it's been full steam ahead since then- rolling, talking, smiling, learning, growing- she adds so much joy to every day.

I always want to remember how she is at this very moment- ridiculously cute with peach fuzz hair, chubby legs, a big belly that hangs over her pants, curious eyes that light up in a smile when she sees you, tiny hands that grab at anything and everything and a happy personality that always makes us laugh.

We visited the doctor today for her six-month check-up, and everything checked out good. Here are the latest measurements:

Weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (47th percentile)
Height: 25 3/8" (36th percentile)
Head circumference: 17 1/4" (85th percentile- this makes me laugh)

Leading up to the 6 month celebration, she accomplished some new things. She sat up for the first time (although still pretty wobbly) and thank goodness, finally moved to her actual crib for naps and bedtime! I'm embarrased that it took me six months to get comfortable with her being there, but it was a learning process for me and she is sleeping better- finally!

Poppy and Nana came to visit this past weekend and were impressed with Collins' new acrobatic skills. We also enjoyed a French dinner, a German lunch, a trip to the farmer's market, and dressing C in her first pair of overalls.

Some photos from the weekend...

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