Tuesday, September 28, 2021

End of an Era

 It was time. Time for the Tahoe to officially retire. When the speedometer, the odometer, the air conditioning and the heat no longer worked, that was a big hint that it was time. But Brian Fork chose to ignore those hints...for a long time! It was only when you could not open the backseat doors from the inside (for who knows what reason!) that he felt it was time. Because he reasoned, it could be an unsafe thing if our children became trapped in the car. There you go! So the decision was made to say goodbye to Mr. Tahoe...

and HELLO to our new truck! Brian had wanted a truck for a long time, and the one he chose was perfect for him. The kids were thrilled and so was he. Because when all your gadgets work and you can open the door from the inside, what more could you want?!?

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