Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Different Easter

Despite all the kids' excitement surrounding Easter, we were bracing ourselves for a very different holiday. No church, no fancy dresses, no big Easter meal, etc. It was a hard pill to swallow- mentally being okay without these traditions. But we didn't really have a choice this year- our normal traditions weren't allowed. So we moved forward and made the best with what we had- and the day turned out to be fun and memorable. Some details...

Easter Eve...excited and Luke really hoping that the Easter bunny wasn't coming upstairs! 

Mom's photographic evidence that the Easter bunny CAME!

Checking out their loot...

Playing with their loot...

You can't be sad with a breakfast of raspberry lemon scones and egg casserole, right?? 

We streamed the church service, and we should have predicted that Addie would hijack the anthem time. We didn't hear a word of Blair's beautiful song, but we did get a belly laugh from our ham.

Communion was even served!

Then it was time to fire up the smoker...

and make the most important dish of Easter dinner. And I do mean this Easter crack.

As we did about a million times during COVID, we took a walk around the block. How cute are these two deep in conversation holding hands?

Then it was time to set up for our Easter dinner...

We had Donna and Marty over which we weren't sure if that was okay or not. What a weird time that you don't know what's safe and what's not and to not be able to spend time with family. But everything ended up being fine, and we had a really nice Easter dinner. 

And Luke got crabby so there you go. Everyone was happy.

Honestly, this was all my children needed to be happy on our COVID Easter. :)

We learned an important lesson that Easter- that different is not always bad. Yes- we didn't have all the pomp and circumstance that we normally have with this holiday. But we spent quality time together, we laughed, we worshipped (sort of), and we ate tasty food. It was a good day, and one that we will probably always remmber!

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