Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Big 13 Months for Luke

Luke, you were one busy boy during your thirteenth month. You must have been saving up all these walking, talking, and dancing skills until the new year hit. Because all of a sudden in January, you got all sorts of interesting. :)

First there was that whole walking thing. You finally trusted yourself and let go! It was really fun to watch you gain that freedom and confidence. And once you started walking, you started walking really fast!

Then there was whole dancing thing. When I blasted JT's "Can't Stop the Feeling" one night, your little body just all of a sudden felt the music. Those knees started to bend in time to the music and a huge smile spread across your face. That little dance party is one of my favorite moments with you to date. :)

And Gigi reports that Collins or Addie never had this much interest in her piano at your it possible that my son is musical?!?

You also have gotten into some sticky situations as a 13-month-old. You really love throwing things in the toilet...

and getting called out in restaurants by other diners who are appalled at your (lack of) table manners.

 You have also discovered your sisters' toys...

 and your love of spaghetti.

Taking you to the park this month was a real treat for Mommy because I got a little taste of what our spring/summer is going to look like. You LOVED the park and loved playing with trucks. It was so fun to watch you have your first real park experience. We will have more than you can count when it gets warm.

You also found your voice this month adding several words to your growing vocabulary..."bye bye" (still waving in both directions), "ball", "ut oh", "mommy", "daddy", and "baba". I love hearing your little voice trying to say these words.

One other big milestone happened this month- we finished breastfeeding! I am so glad I was able to fully breastfeed you for this first year of your life, but I am also very glad it is over. I am more than happy to let milk from the store take over, and I know you are fine with it too.

Oh Luke, you have gotten quite charming all of a sudden, and I am a sucker for all your cute and questionable antics. You are all boy as you like to bang things and throw things and get dirty. But you are also sweet and hug me really tight. Your smile lights me up, and makes me so happy. What fun month #13 has been! Keep it coming, Luke!

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