Sunday, July 16, 2017

Luke Turns 6 Months!

Oh, Luke. You are so much fun. And now you are six months old!

With each of our kids, I have felt like six months has been the magic turning point. It's the time when things get (somewhat) easier with their needs, the more relaxed I become about their general welfare, they start doing some really cool things, and everything becomes a lot more fun. And Luke has followed suit, making leaps and bounds in his sixth month and bringing so much joy into our family.

In month number six, Luke has become very active. I'm pretty sure the girls were never this wiggly, grabby, and rolly so I am probably in trouble. I might have a wild boy on my hands! 

Luke loves standing on those strong, baby legs of his...

being in the water...

  and grabbing at anything within reach. This bowl of berries almost ended up on the floor!

The big news of month six was starting solids! I didn't feel like it was time (he still feels like such a baby to me), but he was obviously interested in people food as he started fussing when we were eating. So we started with bananas and oatmeal and went on from there...he has liked most everything I've given him (except for the first few bites of food which was just plain weird to him). I think he is going to be an eater!


On the sleep front there is no good news to report...ugh. What am I doing wrong here?!? The baby still wakes up every 3-4 hours at night which is so frustrating and exhausting. I thought starting solids would do the trick, but not yet. But he also hasn't had much protein yet. I am cooking him some chicken right now in hopes it will help fill up that belly.

But luckily, in his sixth month, his naps have gotten somewhat predictable with him sleeping about an hour and a half in the morning and about two hours in the afternoon. And also- during one nap how did he manage to wiggle out of his jammies?!?

Besides starting solids, the other big news of the month is that he started sitting up on his own! This has been a game changer for us. Being able to set him down while I help the girls with something or put a load of clothes in the laundry is really helpful. Plus, he is able to play easier with his toys.

How cute is he showing off his sitting skills at our Lacy picnic??

And apparently sitting is not enough because he is also trying to crawl now.

He can even sit in the cart now! I can't believe it. This active, smiley, sweet boy is growing too fast! The months and milestones are flying by, but month six has been a memorable and fun one for sure.

And the official six-month photos? Oh, there are none of course. Mama had to drop the ball at some point. :)

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