Monday, July 17, 2017

How Our Garden Grows

We love having a garden although Brian was questioning whether or not we should plant one this year. He just viewed as one more chore to add to the list and wondered if we had time to take care of one? Also, last year, our garden kind of bombed so that made him hesitate. But I assured him that we would make time to take care of it and that we NEEDED one because it's that special of a thing to grow your own food!

So I took Addie and Luke to Logan's and hurriedly bought a random assortment of plants and seeds. Brian quickly planted them one Saturday, and before you knew it we had a beautiful and healthy-looking garden!

I am always amazed when our first tomatoes come on the vine...and this year we planted several cherry tomatoes in the big garden and they are doing great.


In my rushed/frazzled Mom state at the plant store, I accidentally bought 8 basil plants. Brian thought we might not have needed that many, but have him try to shop with a clear brain as a baby paws at you and a preschooler peppers you with a million questions. Not easy! So the eight basil plants are gorgeous this year, and producing so much that we can freeze some for the winter.

The green beans have gotten quite aggressive this year. We planted a variety called "Rattlesnake" and they have taken over the garden with their little vines.

They do produce these really cool purple beans though that turn green when you cook them!

I absolutely love going out to the garden each day and looking for new growth. It is such a fun experiment and so gratifying to eat what we grow!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing such detailed article on best garden fork for digging, i found what i was looking for.
