Sunday, September 20, 2015

Here Goes...Final Year of Preschool!

My baby just started her last year of preschool. She is super excited about it. I am super emotional about it. But for now, let's focus on the exciting part!

Last year, Collins loved school but there were lots of mornings when she didn't want to go and mornings when she had trouble parting ways with me at drop-off. Wow...what a difference a year makes. So far this year, she has been asking to go to school (and has been disappointed when it's a weekend) and has been telling people, "I am so big, I get to go to school EVERY DAY!"

She's right...she's so big she has even started walking herself into school every day. I drop her off in the car pool line. This is a first, and I wasn't sure how she would react to it. But she has done great. Watching my little girl confidently jump out of the car and stroll right through the preschool playground towards her classroom was really a defining moment for her. She has grown up so much, and I am so proud of her. (And for the record- that moment totally made me cry.)

School has started off great for C. She has 18 kids in her 4's class (wow it really is like kindergarten), and her teachers are Ms. Eisenstadt and Ms. Cartron. They seem fabulous, and the kids in her class are a good mix of old and new faces.

She is going every single morning which I was not happy about. But it seemed like the best choice for her, and so far, she seems to like it. I know she will learn so much this year and be completely ready for elementary school next year. I don't know why I have been so emotional about her going to school every day this year. It just feels too soon to me, but I'm hoping that maybe I'll get all my sadness out now and be fine next year. Right. :)

Oh Collins. I love you so. Stop growing up so fast! And have a great year at school.

Her official "First Day of School" photos...just look at that beaming little face!

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