Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A White (and Pink!) Birthday

Snow on Collins' birthday?!? I was incredibly disappointed that another winter storm hit canceling school and the valentines/birthday party we had planned for her class. I had wanted to take her out to lunch at her favorite restaurant (Bad Daddy's Burgers) and do all these fun things and yet here we were stuck in the house...AGAIN! No one talks more about their impending birthday more than Collins so the pressure was on to make it really special.

Turns out, a snow day birthday is pretty cool because Dad gets to stay home all day, you have plenty of time to make pink cupcakes, you get to watch movies, and build a snowman. Plus, there's lots of time for jumping on your brand-new trampoline!


Collins has talked non-stop lately about her "billy goat" who she has named "Face". It's the craziest thing- she must have talked about billy goats at school and took the concept and ran with it. "Face" likes to travel from Hickory to Greensboro, eat grass from the backyard, and play with Collins throughout the day. When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she said "a billy goat". So that is what she got below, and you see what kind of enthusiastic response it got!

Donna turned her into a princess for her birthday dinner...

It was a special day for a special little girl!

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