Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stronger Together

For the past five months I've been working on this Duke Medicine "Stronger Together" event. I'm excited to say that all the hard work is now over- the event happened the first weekend of May and I had my final debriefing meeting today. Was it the best event I have ever planned? Definitely not. Was there a sense of accomplishment with pulling off this first-of-its kind event? Absolutely.

The event was three parts- a continuing education event on Friday for doctors and other health care professionals, a Friday evening benefit concert and dinner, and a Saturday morning community heath fair. There were three different audiences we were trying to reach, a whole lot of money we were trying to raise, and a new logistical challenge every time we turned around. It was not the smoothest of planning processes!

Plus it was not easy juggling Collins, the work, and all the other things that have to get done around the house. Lucky for me I have a great family who supported me taking on a part-time job and helped with Collins a lot.

Overall, the event was a success and was well-received by the participants. And I learned valuable lessons in time management, in what job skills I possess and those which I do not, and where my priorities lie at this specific time in my life. I'm grateful for the experience- but also grateful it is now over!

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