Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Star Angel

When it came time for Addie's last preschool Christmas pageant at church, she knew exactly the role she wanted to play...the Star Angel! Because the kindergartners are the oldest kids in the pageant, they get to play the main parts in the Christmas story. And because Addie had the best attendance out of all the girls in her Sunday School class, she got to pick her part first. You would think Mary, Mother of Jesus, might be the most desirable role, but you would be wrong. Addie immediately chose the Star Angel because what is cooler than sporting angel wings, a halo around your head, and carrying a large star down the aisle? Nothing!

Here are Addie and Stewart, two beautiful (but not so quiet!) angels...

I am one of only three Sunday School teachers for the Whales class. And all the kids who don't normally come to Sunday School definitely came out for the pageant so we had a large crew to get dressed that day.

Sweet thing was SO excited to be the star angel....she was beaming the whole morning. Miss Margaret made a beautiful Mary and was thrilled to sit up front and hold baby Jesus.

They look so angelic practicing their music, but trust me when I tell you that a church pageant rehearsal is about the most chaotic event I have ever attended. :)

Show time! (Thinking Stewart was annoyed with all my picture taking.) 

As happens in live theatre, if something can go wrong, it probably will. Addie was halfway down the aisle with a big smile on her face when her halo slipped right off her head. It totally took her by surprise, and she turned around to look at me at the back of the church wondering what in the world to do?!? I signaled for her to keep going, and luckily her fellow star friend saved the day. As Stewart headed down the aisle, she swiftly grabbed that halo and delivered it safely to the Star Angel. Whew!

I adore these pictures of her walking with the star toward the manger...

Turns out Addie's wardrobe malfunction was the first of many mistakes about to go down. Would you believe the narrator somehow had an old script that was YEARS old? The kids and the accompanist were so confused, and so was the audience! Everyone just winged it, and as always, the parents were just happy to see their kids get up front and be cute. But literally, everything that could go wrong in a preschool pageant did!

But the show went on...

Our tiny performers were completely unaffected by the miscues of the Christmas pageant, and were all smiles afterwards because they got a cupcake for Jesus's birthday. It doesn't take much when you are five. I was so proud of my girl to stepping up to the Star Angel challenge and for not getting flustered when she temporarily lost her halo. :)

Then it was right back up on stage for a choir performance at the late service. Would you believe we could hear Addie's voice from the very last row? 👀 Perhaps not the blending of voices that the choir director was hoping for, but we all appreciated her exuberance. If anyone can belt out a Christmas song, it's Addie!

What a neat morning for our girl! We might have a performer in the family. So happy she got to test her wings with the greatest story ever told.

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