Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fourth of July

The only appropriate way to start off the Fourth of July holiday...with a cannon ball! :)

We spent the morning at the Northbrook pool with the rest of Raleigh and then headed home before the storms hit.
Because if you go to the trouble to make a home-made flag cake and your husband goes to the trouble of smoking lots of different meats, the rain will fall on your outdoor party. It's guaranteed! 

The city of Raleigh moved their official fireworks display back to the fairgrounds after years of having it downtown so we were excited to go out there and watch them. And for the first time ever, we decided to let the kids come watch. We were playing with fire here, but we thought it would be a neat experience for them. 

The Camdens came out there with us, and the Moores met us later that night for the fireworks show. And it only rained part of the time we were out there.

The kids were amazed and shocked at the sound and size of the fireworks!
Luke was not completely digging them...

 but the big girls were.




The grand finale!

We got into a huge traffic jam on the way home, we were wet and tired and had way too much leftover food...I don't know why it is, but I always feel like July 4th is a little bit of a let-down. But don't tell the kids because they got to stay up way past their bedtime and see super cool fireworks. They couldn't have asked for more!

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