Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Luke At 9 Months

Nine months was a big month for Luke because that's when he officially started his transition from baby to big boy...

He decided that standing was no longer good enough...

so he started walking with the grocery cart and other push toys. I couldn't believe he could balance well enough to walk forward with the grocery cart but he could. He also started cruising around furniture. Walking will not be too far away for this boy mark my words.

Luke can no longer sit still in my lap. Hence why we now play in the car at gymnastics- he needs to be moving and climbing at all times. And I would prefer he not do that all over the nasty gym lobby floor! He moves all over the car and can now climb into Collins's booster seat!

Sweet angelic Luke is also sneaky mischievous Luke because he loves to play games with us now. I say, "Luke don't knock over those books!" and he smiles at me like this...

and then knocks them over as quickly as he can! He also likes splashing me in the bath, closing the door in my face, and guess who kept unplugging the monitor from INSIDE HIS CRIB?!? Again I say, this boy is going to keep me on my toes.

Luke is also not super interested in breast feeding for long any more. He is definitely transitioning to be a normal little eater, and that is fine by me. I know this because he is more interested in smiling and talking to me instead of eating these days...and gets really distracted when his sisters pop in the room with something loud and interesting to say!

Speaking of food, Luke is often hangry and screams at me until I get food on his tray. He then shovels it in his mouth as fast as he can creating the biggest mess you have ever seen. Eggs are his favorite food right now, and he eats two every morning. Is this normal? Not sure, but am sure he is just hungry!

He is also sleeping more like a big boys these days (see previous post) so between the sleeping, the playing, the moving and the eating, my baby boy doesn't feel so babyish anymore. Oh, and we also got a "bye bye" and a "mama" out of his little mouth this month. Wow Luke- what have you got in store for us in month ten? :)

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