Friday, July 13, 2012

Big Girl Ways

It's amazing to watch your baby transform into a big girl (in what feels like) overnight. A couple of things have surprised me lately and made me realize that she really is growing up fast!

1. Lots more hair- her hair has finally gotten long enough to cover her eyes and warrant a bow or clip at all times. We could probably use our first hair cut, but I tried our first ponytail instead.

2. Her climbing skills- we are back to the point where she is no longer safe in a room by herself. In two different instances recently I was in a different room and go to find her and she had climbed onto the sofa by herself and then an ottoman and was just standing there on the furniture smiling at me. Not scary at all!

3. Her language development- she understands so much of what we say. The other day I asked her to go get her "Pout Pout Fish" book in the other room and bring it to me so we could read it. She did exactly that. She's also trying to say a lot more words now- we're just waiting for that word explosion that the doctor says will happen soon.

4. Her utensil usage- this one is a game-changer! I love that she now takes the spoon out of my hand so she can feed herself.

4. Her need to move- she can't even sit still for a grocery store run anymore. After I put her in the grocery cart, she tries to climb out and jump into my arms. So now I am left carrying her in one arm, pushing the cart in the other, searching for what we need, and stopping her from pulling off all the food from the shelves all at the same time.  All fun has officially been sucked out of this errand!

This little person is really on the move now so that's why I'm concerned about the 4 1/2 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow to Kiawah Island. My plan is to take lots of new toys to distract her with and to remember that what awaits us beyond the screams and wiggles is a week in paradise!

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