Friday, February 24, 2012

First Birthday Party

The song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" kept ringing through my head during the hectic days leading up to Collins' first birthday party. I just knew we were going to these great lengths to give her a cool party, and she might hate it. Thank goodness in the end there was no crying at the party- in fact I think a great time was had by all.

The party concept started out with me wanting to bake a giant cupcake and Brian wanting to smoke a pig. If only it was that easy...cut to fondant-dying, house cleaning, sign-making, lantern-hanging, multiple-grocery store-tripping, late-night cupcake-making, Party City-stalking, and all night pig-smoking. It was kinda exhasuting, I'm not going to lie. The good news is that my event planning withdrawls were satisfied, and Brian's dream to cater BBQ to the masses came true. Also- we haven't had that much fun in a long time...

Here are all the polka-dotty details...

Friday night, approximately 9:00 p.m.

Cake decorating begins. How lucky are we that my sister used to work at a bakery? She wasn't a pastry chef, rather in sales, but she must have soaked up a lot of good knowledge/technique in her time there because look what she made! The perfect smash-cake!

11:30 p.m. (warning graphic photo)

The pig smoking commences. Look at the cool head gear Brian is rocking thanks to Dad and Heather. Guess who the lucky helper was to put that thing on the smoker?

Saturday, 12:00 p.m.

The birthday girl looked so cute in her polka-dotty pj's we just let her wear them all day long. Here she is keeping her eyes peeled for party guests...

5:00 p.m. Party time (and many, many thanks to Carrie who got some incredible photos!)

and the guest of honor welcomes her friends...

then dinner is served (warning- graphic photo #2)

Collins and Charlie weren't the only two fascinated by Brian's presentation of the pig. It sparked lots of conversation like:

"Mommy- why did Mr. Brian plop the pig on the table?"

"Look somebody cooked a dog!"

"Nothing says little girl's first birthday like a large pig carcass."

We had some good laughs over it, but that pig was tasty! Brian did a great job with it.

6:30 p.m. Cake-smashing time

This picture pretty much sums it up- Collins was a little overwhelmed by the large cupcake she was actually encouraged to eat, the fire coming out of the sparkler candle that we lit, forty people singing happy birthday to her, and all the camera flashes going off. It was pretty hysterical watching her just be really confused.

My favorite thing about the party was all the people who came to show their love for Collins. My family came from Hickory and my dear friends Carrie and Jen came all the way from Charlotte with their families. Having them and everyone else there made the celebration very special!

8:00 p.m. After the party was over, we got to play some more. It doesn't get much cuter than Will in pirate pajamas...

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Libby fascinated Collins (and us). She also impressed us with her smarts- she insisted that baby Collins start having a lovey in her "cradle" and came up with the most genius birthday present- boxes of mac n' cheese.

Many thanks to everyone who pitched in to make it such a fun party. When Collins is old enough, we'll share all the photos, video footage and special memories we made when we celebrated her turning big number one!

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