Saturday, February 20, 2021

Camp Flintock

If you're driving down Ridge Road and see men dressed up in colonial gear are shooting guns on the Lacy field, do not be alarmed! It's just colonial day for the Third Graders at Lacy- an on-site field trip called "Camp Flintock". And she loved it.

There are different stations located around the field, and you rotate through them trying your hand at candle making, colonial attire, ink writing, old-timey games, book making, etc. Here Collins is modeling what young girls would wear in colonial times- let's just say it's a bunch of layers and it was eye-opening for these girls who are used to throwing on a t-shirt and shorts!  

This guy ran the show and told about how girls back then would use their fan to signal a "sweetheart" and how to ask for a kiss. It was pretty funny watching the girls' faces being grossed out. :)

It was a cold morning, but they didn't care. I couldn't believe how much these third graders loved learning about Colonial Times. It was a fun field trip to chaperone!

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