Saturday, April 11, 2015


We were WAY excited about Easter this year. We're talking multiple egg hunts and egg dying sessions, lots of Easter decorating and baking, a countdown to the big day, and our first go at hosting Easter dinner at our house.

Alli came over to help us dye eggs and make a lamb cake...I'm pretty sure the ones that Baba used to make in this pan were much better!

Saturday night Collins left out some treats for the Easter bunny...

And the next morning was rewarded with a basket full of goodies. She said, "How did the Easter bunny KNOW I wanted this bike seat for my doll? Mommy didn't even tell him!!!". :)

Addie bear got up and wasn't super interested in her basket (except for tossing it down the stairs)...

Reading their new books and eating their chocolate bunny was priority #1...

Pictures after church (have to show off the new Easter dresses!)...

For Easter dinner, Collins wanted to have a "welcoming party" for the guests...

Collins asked Gigi to make her a bunny cake MONTHS ago which would have an been easy enough request if Donna had not been in so much pain from her hip. Although she was scheduled for hip surgery the next day, she made it happen which was a major accomplishment!

She did a great job!

Dad and Heather sent a whopper of a Easter basket from Hickory....more candy than you have ever seen!

After a tasty appetizer, on to the egg hunt! Collins was bound and determined to beat Aunt Alli and Addie...

She won of course....

Her prize was a Peep...

On the dinner menu: ham, deviled eggs, potato gratin, spinach strawberry salad, and homemade yeast rolls...

My favorite part was dessert of course and these yummy mini cheesecakes...

Addie's favorite part was wearing her bunny cake...

And the grand finale of the Easter dinner- the kick ball game! Brian made fun, but don't mess with an old Easter tradition from the Hick! Collins was all for it!

Addie cheered on from the sidelines, and Alli was dubbed the winner thanks to her outstanding efforts... :)

Addie is "SO BIG!"...

 And Alli definitely got the photo of the this one.

This Easter was really special!

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