Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snow...x 3!

I think we all were really wanting one good snow this winter,,,maybe not three in two weeks, but that's what we got!

The first snow- RIGHT after Collins's birthday party (whew!)- was more ice than snow, but we didn't really care because we were so excited to see the white stuff coming down.

Collins took a break from some very active cheerleading to watch the snow start to fall...

 Addie was wondering why she was missing out on all the fun below...

This is what happened over and over again once Brian got home from work...

Snow day! Brian got the day off from work so he and Collins went out in search of some fun...

Later, Addie and I got out of the house, but I had to bundle her up tight. Despite the scowl on her face, she actually enjoyed her snow ride!

We have such fun neighbors these days...Collins got to have smores with Margaret and Cameron and was loving it!

All the ice made for great sledding! Collins was afraid of Childers Street at first. Then she and Brian borrowed a two-man sled and went down together, and THEN she loved it! 

During the snow, we got to watch Carolina play Duke and Davidson play a big one while eating our favorite grilled pizza. The snow didn't slow the grill master down at all.

The house looked so pretty during the SECOND snow...which completely surprised all of us (including the meteorologists I think) a few days later. It was snowing when we woke up and didn't stop the rest of the day. It was gorgeous to watch from inside the cozy house...

and fun to play in once we went outside...

but not so good for building snowmen (this was our lame attempt at a Carolina/State snowman in honor of the game later that night).

We were so happy to be able to drive over to hang out with our favorite friends at our favorite park...although there was lots of melting from Collins due to coldness and tiredness, she had a good time!

Especially during this peaceful moment with Reeves...

Snow #3 was supposed to be the big one...6-8" in Raleigh. The snow did accumulate fast, but unfortunately it was a wet, heavy snow that pulled down power lines and left 200,000 people in Wake County without power...including us. :(

Let's just say it was a long cold 12 hours, but made bearable by Donna and Marty's fireplace and later by these beauties... :) We have never been so excited to see a light bulb turn on!!!

In the next few days  of thawing out, Collins figured out how to successfully launch a snowball...

and finally got to make a snowman with her Daddy (who incidentally had to work like 100 hours during the snow week). The snow was fun (until the power went out), but now we would like all traces of Winter to go away. We are ready for Spring!

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