Thursday, January 22, 2015


When you become a bad blogger, you are all ready to move forward to blog about Christmas when you realize you completely forgot about Halloween! Ugh....and we had an AWESOME Halloween this year- definitely worth mentioning!

The original plan for costumes was a mermaid for Collins and a little fish for Addie. But when Donna whipped out that amazing Ms. Wuf costume, it didn't take Collins long to decide she wanted to be that for Halloween. So then I decided that Addie should be a baby Tar Heel. :) Fair, right? Mom offered to make Addie's costume, and she did a fabulous job! I loved that both girls had homemade costumes by two crafty grandmothers!

Collins got to show off her Ms. Wuf costume at dance class, at school, at church, and then on Halloween, and it was a hit everywhere.

The three muskateers were cute at church's Fall Fest (which I helped planned and was a disaster by the way- it poured just as the outdoor event was about to start and chaos ensued!). But they had a great time prancing around on stage, and Collins was honestly so confused when she didn't win the costume contest. She knew she had the best costume there (and she was right!).

On Halloween day we (Brian) carved our pumpkins, and the girls had a little moment hanging out together in the wagon. I can't wait for these moments to multiply!

Collins is giving Addie a "kissing hand". This is a really sweet thing she has started doing to us every once in awhile. It's from the book, and it's a kiss to take with you when you leave. I love that she gave Addie one. 

Most adorable pumpkin ever?

The idea behind our pumpkin came from a new Halloween book that Gigi gave Collins. Why carve one large pumpkin when you can carve six small pumpkins and make them look even scarier?!? Brian did an awesome job, and he and his special helper were very proud!

All ready for the big night! Cutest little house divided ever...

The Bakers down the street hosted our neighborhood party, and they did a great job. Then it was off to the races!

We discovered that the baby loves pizza crust, and she spent the entire party gnawing on her new-found treat.

Nora Rose came trick-or-treating with us, and it was so fun watching the girls squeal and race from house to house. Love that they both went as their Dad's favorite sport's team mascot (and that both had tails!).

The whole night was so festive. The weather was perfect, the girls were adorable, and you couldn't wipe the smile off Collins's face. Halloween really is more fun when you have kids. Oh and by the way, Addie slept through the whole thing at Gigi's house. 

Loved Halloween this year!