Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Goodbye Paci

The paci is gone forever. This happened 10 days ago, and we are still feeling the effects! It has not been an easy transition for Collins and that's why we put it off for so long. She CHERISHED her paci for 2 1/2 years. I think she would have taken it to college if she could have, but after a visit to the doctor we decided it was time for it to go. It all started with a "Goodbye Paci Party".

First, came pink cupcakes that she got to help me decorate. Next, it was time to mail away the pacis to babies who really needed them. Collins understands (I think) that she is a big girl now and doesn't need them anymore.

Then came bribery with gifts. Donna brought over a pillowcase for Collins to use for her first-ever pillow. We gave her a new pink friend to sleep with- the Care Bear "Cheer Bear"- who would cheer her up if she was missing her paci.

The party was a big success, but bedtime was not. There was lots of wailing and tears. We reminded her that she was making the babies so happy, and she responded "but it's making me so sad!!!". It took her over two hours to fall asleep the first night without her paci, but it's taken less time each night since then.

Naps have been short to non-exisitent since we gave up the paci which has been really frustrating. It's literally been a struggle and negotiation every day. She has spent recent naptime singing songs to herself, rolling around in her bed, stripping her pillowcase and standing inside of it- anything to avoid sleeping. But as a result bedtime has not been quite as hard because she falls asleep fast because she is exhausted.

We have tried all kinds of new things to make sleep more enticing and less scary- keeping her bedroom door open, letting her sleep with her water bottle, and getting her her first nightgown. None of it has been an easy fix, but she is now obsessed with her nightgown (refused to take if off for her walk around the neighborhood yesterday.)

Overall, it has been a tough 10 days. I hate that we waited so long to take it away from her because it's been hard to see her struggle with this transition. But with each day there is less anxiety and more hope that normal sleep is right around the corner. And hopefully less of this???

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