Monday, October 22, 2012

Florida Firsts

We traveled to Florida this past weekend to celebrate the wedding of Brian's cousin, Jenny. We had lots of fun visiting family, seeing the sights of South Florida, and enjoying all the wedding festivities. During the trip, Collins also had the chance to check off lots of "firsts" from her to-do list:

1) First flight- this one gave me plenty of anxiety. I couldn't imagine how an active toddler could handle a total of four flights (connected through Atlanta) without the benefit of a normal eating and sleeping schedule. Well, she surprised us! Although quite wiggly (I turned into a human jungle gym), she wasn't too loud (except when she kept demanding "off", "off" at the end of one flight) or unhappy during the flights. Maybe that was in part because of her...

2) First movie- we have been pretty strict on TV watching at our house so we thought unveiling her first movie on the plane would be a good, long distraction. We watched "Curious George" on the iPad, and the movie worked for about 30 minutes before she moved on to other things.

3) First visit to Florida (we arrived quite weary and hungry)

The resort was beautiful! Between the palm trees, the blue water, the calypso music, and the pool waitresses, we really felt like we were on vacation.

4) First wedding- this one also caused me some anxiety. But if you don't count the throwing of goldfish crackers on the aisle before the bride came down or laying down on the dance floor with your feet in the air, she did pretty good! Jenny and Kim did a fabulous job with the wedding. It had so many neat personal touches, and their crowd of friends and family were really fun.

5) First making of friends- Collins was fascinated by the flower girls (i.e. "babies") all weekend. By Sunday brunch, she had made them her new friends.

Many thanks to Kim, Jenny, Molly and Jack (and the new groom, Kevin!) for such a neat weekend. We loved celebrating with you all!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know that you guys enjoyed your first visit to Florida. Getting together with relatives over a special occasion is always nice. If ever you guys plan on coming back, maybe you can try out a trusted cab service to take you around the wonderful areas. Thanks for sharing!

    Grady Mann
