Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Sweet Sixth Birthday (Part 3)

Our girl finally did it...after days of celebrating she finally turned six!

Even though her birthday fell on a Monday (boo) and a school day (boo), it was okay because she started her day with a breakfast of homemade waffles and sausage and had several other fun things lined up...and doesn't she look every bit of a six in this cute outfit?

 In kindergarten, they can bring in a special treat to share with the class on their birthday. Collins's very smart choice? Howling Cow ice cream! Turns out they make those cute little individual size cups with the wooden spoons. So we took in chocolate and strawberry ice cream for the class, and they loved it! (But Collins did not love being the center of attention when Mrs. Dalrymple brought her up front to turn her six with the magic wand!)

After school, Collins got a nice surprise...Mimi and Baba were at her house! We all went to Bad Daddy's for dinner and then came home for her third and final birthday cake...a brownie cake!

It was extra special to have Mimi and Baba there to celebrate on her actual birthday!

It's hard to believe our baby is six. It's also hard to believe how we lucked out with such a kind, smart, creative and beautiful daughter, but we did. Collins we are so proud of how you have grown in the last year. You have become so mature and thoughtful and are so full of big thoughts and ideas. You have grown tall and strong, you are a great big sister, and you are always so sweet to your Mommy and Daddy. We can't wait to see what the next year holds for you, and we love you more every day (if that is even possible). Happy birthday sweetheart!

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