Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Almost Forgotten Ski Vacation

I was so wrapped up in the birthday excitement that I completely forgot to post about another major thing that happened in February...we went skiing! Kind of a big deal to leave the girls for four days, fly to Utah, ski down enormous mountains, do lots of fine dining and completely unwind...and kind of fabulous! How could I forget?

Ugh, it was really hard to leave the girls. I had lots of anxiety about us both getting on an airplane and going so far away. I knew they would be so happy in the care of their grandparents, but I was just afraid of the unknowns. But I also knew that it's important for us to take trips like this, and I'm glad we did it.

I was anxious the whole plane ride until we came upon this cool view of Salt Lake City, and then I started getting excited...

We flew out on a Thursday afternoon and got to Salt Lake City around 8:30 p.m. We hadn't been in Park City 10 minutes before we went and stuffed our faces with the most impressive (and gigantic) pork chop you have ever seen. It was called "the tomahawk" and it was insanely good. Probably the best thing we ate while we were out there....

Friday came- our first day of skiing- and I should probably tell you about the really bad thing that happened before we left. Brian threw his back out carrying our (57 lb) suitcase down the stairs. Not good...he could barely walk or change positions the rest of the trip- let alone ski gracefully down the Black Diamonds. But he loaded up on drugs, took the pain, and made the most of a bad situation.

I skied solo on Friday and had an "aha" moment. I realized that skiing can be fun. I've always just viewed it as a lot of work (putting on all the gear, concentrating hard on not falling, extreme muscle fatigue), but for the first time I understood why Brian loves it so much. There I was soaring down this huge mountain all by myself with this incredible view in front of me, getting really good exercise and breathing in the fresh mountain air. It was kind of exhilarating! I'm not saying skiing is my new favorite hobby (a girl still has to go to the spa while on vacation!), but I'm glad I understood his perspective on skiing while we were out there.

Skiing makes you really hungry. Lucky for me there was a little waffle house near one of the lifts.

After all my hard work on Friday, I took the day off on Saturday. :) I had a delicious breakfast of Huevos Rancheros on Main Street...

Then did some shopping for the girls...I'm not kidding you it was 60 degrees in Park City that day. Crazy! People were saying they hadn't seen February temperatures like that in 15 years...(which was annoying b/c all I wanted was a winter wonderland)

After shopping, I headed back to the Westgate for my spa treatment. I spent four hours at the spa getting a massage and getting way too sucked in to "Sharp Objects". Al- based on how disturbed I still am by that book- I might not be taking any of your book recommendations any time soon! :)

On Sunday, I decided to try skiing again and this time I had a partner. Alessandra, who was a really nice non-Davidson wife on the trip, was skiing on my level so we tackled the blues together. By the end of the day, I was really feeling confident in my abilities which is awesome because I always thought I had to ski greens. I won't be scared of the blues next time we come to Canyons.

Here we are at the top!

Then we met up with the guys for lunch...

The last night, our group of 16 had dwindled all the way down to Brian, Tee and me...and at this point, we were just killing time until it was time to catch our red-eye.

We had some fantastic (expensive) meals, good skiing, and lots of relaxation. It was a good trip, but after four days away, I was so ready to get back to the girls...

Pure relief and happiness to see them again...Collins loved her hard hat from the Park City Museum.

And Addie was up to her usual antics....aww it's good to be back!

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